  • Boyd Enterprises Chemi Clean 2G treats 300 Gallons
  • Boyd Enterprises Chemi Clean 2G treats 300 Gallons
  • Boyd Enterprises Chemi Clean 2G treats 300 Gallons
Boyd Enterprises

Boyd Enterprises Chemi Clean 2G treats 300 Gallons

  • $13.18
  • $15.50
  • - 15%

Safe For All Reef Tanks,All Invertebrates,Desirable Macro Algae, Nitrifing Bacteria And Fish. For Best Results, Turn Off Uv Sterilizer Or Ozonizer And Discontinue Protien Skimmer. Removechemi-Pure Or Carbon Filtration For 24 Hours Following Each Treatment. It Is Adviisble To Do At Least A 20% Water Change After Full Treatment.

Removes Red Slime,Black, Bluegreen And Bubble Producing Algae. Eliminates Dangerous Trapped Organic Sludge. Clarifies Aquarium Water To Crystal Clear, And Promotes Ideal Enzyme Balance. Contians No Phosphates, Algicides Or Erthromycin Succinate.


*Please monitor oxygen levels in the tank while using this product.  We advise using an airstone during treatment or aiming a powerhead toward the surface to increase oxygen levels.  It is common for your protein skimmer to over produce for a day or so after treatment.  monitor the skimmer cup and replace with fresh salt water as needed.